Curly Girl Method

Permanent curls: Your A-Z guide to permanent curls

Permanent curls: Your A-Z guide to permanent curls

Permanent curls have seriously made a comeback, and that is for good reason. If you want to have big and full hair but are not lucky enough to have it from nature, permanent curls may be the solution for you. If you have permanent curls, or are you considering getting them, you may want to read our post, which will walk you through everything you need to know about permanent curls, including the issues we commonly hear about permanent curls.

Happy reading.

Table of Contents

What are permanent curls?

Permanent curls are a treatment of the hair where you get curls in the hair that are permanent with the help of heat or chemicals. This means that the curls do not fade with time, but must "grow out". When the word permanent curls is mentioned, many people might associate it with the slightly poodle-like hairstyle that was very popular in the 80s and 90s. The popularity of permanent curls still continues, but today it is usually slightly more muted permanent curls that are the most popular.

You don't have to be born with curls to have them. There are several methods that you can use if you want a head full of beautiful, full curls. If you want a less permanent result and you already have a bit of curl in your hair, you can try to highlight these using The curly girl method and curling products. If you have completely flat hair from nature, you can grab the curling iron or make curls with flat irons, however this is very hard for the hair. It is not always a permanent solution and requires a lot of work if you want curls every day. 

Therefore, there are also permanent curls. Typically, you will use one of the following three ways if you want to curl your hair permanently:

  1. Cold-permanent curls
  2. Digital permanent curls / heat permanent
  3. Permanent curls in your own home.
Photo by Shari Sirotnak on Unsplash used in blog about permanant curls
Photo by Shari Sirotnak on Unsplash

Cold permanent curls are a process where the hair is wetted in a basic liquid, after which it is rolled up into small curls. This process takes about two hours and produces a result with small and very clear curls. The second method, called digital permanent curls or a heat-permanent treatment, is in the way that the hair starts with a relaxing treatment that lasts about an hour. Then put warm curling irons in the hair. Here the hair is tied up with metal tubes with heat in, and you sit with this for a few hours. This process gives more soft curls and snake curls to the hair. All in all, the process takes about four hours. The last solution is to use a home product to make permanent curls. However, we do not recommend that you go ahead and make permanent curls yourself, as there is a much greater risk that you will not achieve the desired result or damage your hair more than is the case with a professional hairdresser.

Which of the above methods is best for you depends on the curls you want and how natural a look you are going for. It also depends on whether you have to have permanent curls in long hair or curls in short hair. The advantage of the heat treatment is that the curls usually get a very natural look and almost look innate. The chemical-induced curls, on the other hand, may well produce very sharp curls that look less natural. On the other hand, the advantage of the cold-permanent curling method is that you can start the curls all the way down to the scalp and that it works on virtually all hair types. This is not the case with the heating method, as the heat prevents you from getting fully into the scalp. In addition, this method works best on thick hair. Therefore, it may be a good idea to have a thorough talk with your hairdresser about it before making a choice on how to make your permanent curls.

Who can have permanent curls?

Although most people can have permanent curls made, we must nevertheless point out that not everyone can make permanent curls. For example, if you have very worn hair, or are it damaged by repeated color treatments, you may need to give your hair a thorough care first.

For example, a very damaged hair can be caused by using products that are hard on the hair and can, among other things, appear dry and directly damaging. Here at CurlsForYou we sell Curly Girl approved products, ie our products do not contain sulphate, silicone, drying alcohols and the like. In this way, you reduce the risk of your hair being too worn to receive a treatment for permanent curls.

Once we have determined that those with very worn hair should care for their hair before casting permanent curls, the good news is that in addition, virtually everyone can benefit from the treatment. Whether you want small curls, large curls, short hair curls, thin hair curls, a page with curls or permanent long curls, you can have your dreams fulfilled. Curls look great in most hairstyles and lengths. Especially those with short or fine hair may be afraid if curls are something for them. Both women with short hair and those with fine, Scandinavian hair can benefit from permanent curls. However, it is always a good idea to talk to a professional hairdresser about your options if you are unsure whether you should get permanent hair.

Foto af Matteo MInoglio fra Unsplash brug på blog om permanente krøller i afsnittet om mænd

Curls for men

In addition, permanent curls for men have also seen an increase in popularity. Curls for men can give a different and fuller look that many men demand today. However, if you are a man and are considering going into permanent curls, you should be aware that it should usually be refreshed more often than is the case with women. Many men have shorter hair and are therefore also cut more often than women with long hair do. Therefore, the treated hair will naturally be cut off faster.

How much do permanent curls cost?

If you have made permanent curls, you must expect to pay anything between 500 and 2,000 kroner. Permanent curl prices thus vary widely. First and foremost, it depends on which method you choose to make the curls with. Many people choose to have permanent curls made with the digital method because it gives the most natural look. However, this is also the most expensive method. Prices also vary a bit from hairdresser to hairdresser and will also depend on how long and thick hair you have. However, if you want to make beautiful and durable curls, you must also expect it to cost.

How long do permanent curls last?

Permanent curls usually last for some months, but for some it also lasts even longer. The shelf life can thus vary the part from person to person and also depends on the type of curls you have been made and how long and thick your hair is. One good thing to remember, though, is that the better you care and care for your curls, the longer they last. For some, the curls even last until they are cut off over time. Below you can find more information on the best care of permanent curls, which ensures them the longest possible life.

How to care for permanent curls?

As with natural curls, your permanent curls also require a lot more and a different care than smooth hair needs. Partly because curly hair needs some more moisture. First and foremost, you should therefore only use products made specifically for curls. These are the types of products we sell here at CurlsForYou. Additionally, you should think about how to treat the curls on a daily basis. Do not use products with silicone and sulfate, which both dry and weigh the hair. If you want to avoid ingredients that are bad for your curls, you can read our posts: The forbidden ingredients of the Curly Girl method.

In addition to your choice of products, you must also remember that it takes a little more if you want to maintain the curls day after day without having to wash your hair. A good idea is to sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase to avoid hair wear or maybe even use a turban of silk. You will find plenty of accessories for curls here on the site.

5 tips for maintaining permanent curls

  1. Once you have your permanent curls done, wait a few days to wash your hair. That way you don't risk "washing the curls out"
  2. Use a washing method specifically for curls, as it provides the curls with the best possible conditions. For example. a moisturizing shampoo (low-poo) with a high protein content that can help rebuild the hair after treatment.
  3. Even if you want to keep the curls for as long as possible, you should still be cut regularly. A new haircut can give the curls a whole new life. If the hair becomes very long, you risk that the curls become less noticeable.
  4. As far as possible, avoid daily hair wear. Everything from hard towel drying to bright sun and excessive use of blow dryers can make the curls less clear.
  5. Make sure to give your hair plenty of care, for example, by using a leave-in conditioner or hair cure that provides moisture for the day.

Hair products for permanent curls

If you have permanent curls made, you should also treat your hair accordingly. This means, among other things, that you should invest in products for curly hair, and also like products that fit exactly your type of hair and curls. When you invest in the right products, you give your hair all the nourishment it needs, and in that way you also get the best curls. First of all, we recommend that you start by using only Curly Girls approved products.

The first thing you will need is a washing method for curly hair. Here you can choose between one Co-wash or a low-poo shampoo, both of which are created to give curly hair optimal life. Next, you should invest in a good one Conditionerthat gives the hair plenty of moisture. One leave-in conditioner would also be an advantage for hair that needs extra care. 

Once the hair is washed and moisturized thoroughly, you can advantageously style your curls. Right after treatment, it may not be as necessary, but after a while it may be beneficial to use a product to further highlight the curls. It can be a good example curl creme. Some curls even provide moisture and care while defining your curls. If you have made very wild curls, they will need a lot of moisture. Here, this type of curling cream is ideal. Other popular styling products for curls include gelthat is especially good for thick hair and curls that should last all day, or maybe one mousse for those who want extra volume.

Hair products for permanent curls

Getting curls made can be a whole new hairstyle in itself. It gives plenty of life and volume to the hair, which means that you often do not have to think in cutting-edge hairstyles. If you still need to make a little extra of it with a curly hair arrangement, you can benefit from our selection of hair ornaments and elastic bandsthat is suitable for curly hair. The products here are made to make hairstyles for curly hair far easier without damaging or wearing the hair. Here you will find both short hair curls with curls, special elastic bands for long curly hair and much more.

In this blog we reviewed below, you can tap the lines if you want to read the section again.

Table of Contents:

13 thoughts on “Permanente krøller: Din A-Z guide til permanente krøller

  1. Malene Vind Mortensen says:


    Tak for beskrivelsen ☺️

    Jeg har tidligere fået lavet kold permanent.. Men synes hurtigt det blev lidt puddle agtig. Så vil meget gerne prøve kræfter med digital permanent, som du skriver om. Har du nogle råd til, hvor man kan få lavet digital permanent i Jylland (omkring Aarhus) ? ”

    Synes ikke jeg kan finde nogen der laver det 🙄🙄 På forhånd tak!

    1. CurlsForYou says:

      Hej Malene,
      vi har desværre ikke kendskab til en frisør som udfører behandlingerne. Måske Lasse Søby i Århus? Han får gode anbefalinger af curly girls.

      Mvh. Bjørn – CurlsForYou

  2. Lasse says:

    Hej jeg har fået lavet permanente krøller for en må des siden vil høre hvor langt tid der skal gå før jeg må lave næste permanent

    1. CurlsForYou says:

      Hej Lasse,
      Typisk holde de 2-3 måneder, men vi syntes du skal tage til din frisør og snakke med dem om det, det er lettere at vurdere når man står med håret i hånden.
      Mvh. Bjørn – CurlsForYou

  3. Lasse says:

    Hej vil høre hvornår man må lave næste permanent

  4. Mike says:

    Hej jeg vil høre om jeg kan lave permanente krøllee for altid ? Altså vær. 3-4 måender eller er der nogen antal gange man må lave krøller?

    1. CurlsForYou says:

      Hej Mike,
      den vil jeg nok tage med din lokale frisør, da det jo ikke er super sundt for dit hår.
      Mvh. Bjørn – CurlsForYou

  5. Nguyen says:

    Er det en dum ide, at få lavet permanente krøller om sommeren, da du nævner at skarp sol er en ulempe?

    1. CurlsForYou says:

      Hej Nguyen,
      det er jo altid hårdt for dit hår og solen gør det så bare lidt ekstra hårdt.
      Men så kan du måske tilføje lidt ekstra varmesikring til din styling, så som:
      Innersense – Hair Love Prep Spray
      Curl Keeper – Thermal defence

      Mvh. Bjørn – CurlsForYou

  6. Jens says:

    Hej, må man bruge hue lige efter en permanent, eller anbefaler I at vente et par dage mht at lade krøllerne sætte sig?

  7. Mette says:

    Har I mon kendskab til nogle frisører I Kbh som bare er vildt gode til at laver super flotte krøller?
    Der er sikkert flere, men gerne nogle som er virkelig gode ☺️

    1. Tine Bergmann says:

      Hej Mette.
      Vi kender desværre ikke nogen frisører i KBh, der laver krøller.
      Vi kender nogle der er gode til at klippe, men om de også permanenter, ved jeg desværre ikke.
      Der er Vinters Klippekælder og blandt andet.

  8. Chelina says:

    frisør Kurte på Godthåbsvej, Frb., kan jeg anbefale. jeg blev permanente for 1 måned siden, i mellemlangt hår og det er rigtig flot. de er dygtige hos Kurte

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