Hair Ornaments and Elastics
Here you can find all the popular products in hair decorations and elastic bands. The amazing PuffCuff and elastics from CurlsForYou, the Zazzy Bandz hairbands or hair clips, you'll find it all here on the site.
CurlsForYou – Silke Scrunchies Medium
- Silke scrunchie Medium fra CurlsForYou
- Avoid the wear and tear traditional hair elastics cause on your hair
- Made from 100% mulberry silk
- You receive your scrunchie in a nice, small bag, which you can use to store your elastic in the future
- Available in the colors black, silver grey, champagne, light green, light blue, red and pink
CurlsForYou – Silke Scrunchies Mini
- Lækkert og skånsomt scrunchie med et slankt design
- Silke Scrunchies Mini fra CurlsForYou skåner dit hår for slid
- Undgå det slid, som traditionelle hårelastikker og elastikker med metallukning forårsager
- Fremstillet i 100 % Mulberry-silke
- Fås i farverne black, silver grey, champagne, light green, light blue, red og pink.
CurlsForYou – Silke Scrunchies Stor
PuffCuff – Micro
Zazzy Bandz – Original Fit
PuffCuff – Mini
CurlsForYou – Hårnåle
CurlsForYou – Stor Hårklemme
PuffCuff – Teeny
Zazzy Bandz – Slim Relaxed Fit
PuffCuff – Junior
CurlsForYou – Hårklips – Oval
Hair elastics
There is a sea of hair elastic on the market, and finding an elastic that suits your hair can be surprisingly difficult. That is, a hair elastic that is both strong enough to hold your hair up in your desired hairstyle, but which at the same time does not break your hair. In addition, it must be nice in its design so that it can be used as styling and, for example, compliment today's outfit. Also, a good hair elastic should not get too filtered in the hair as it can make it hard to get the elastic back out, and it is incredibly damaging to your hair and can cause many hair strands to break. Especially the old-fashioned metal closures are great culprits for all kinds of hair.
Fortunately, we have the answer to the perfect hair elastic for curly hair right here on the site. For example, see CurlsForYou's fine silk elastics, which are available in different sizes, depending on how thick your hair is. This elastic gives you the perfect combination of durability, design and practicality. We also sell the smart PuffCuff, which is designed to be able to style curly hair. With one such, you are guaranteed that your ponytail lasts all day without causing any breakage to your strands of hair. They are available in original, mini and junior, again based on how full your curly hair is. You can find the exact sizes of PuffCuff inside the different variants.
Hair clamps
Hårklemmer til krøllet hår skal kunne holde til lidt mere end en almindelig hårklemme. Særligt, hvis du er den heldige ejer af nogle store og fyldige krøller. Her på siden finder du smukke hårklemmer fra CurlsForYou i forskellige farver, størrelser og udtryk, der vil kunne bidrage til at give din frisure et godt og praktisk hold og et flot look – det drejer sig blot om at finde den perfekte klemme til netop dig.
De er lette at sætte håret med, og det er en enkel og elegant måde at få håret væk fra ansigtet på. Samtidig er klemmerne skånsomme for håret, ligesom du også vil opleve, at de mange forskellige hårspænder fra CurksForYou er. Her har du endnu flere muligheder for at sætte nye, legende og skønne frisurer, hvor de forskellige spænder kan byde ind med praktiske egenskaber og samtidig give en smuk og smart udstråling til dit samlede look.
Getting the hair away from the face can be especially relevant for you with long hair. And regardless of whether it's curly or not, it can be completely liberating to find some hair accessories that help keep your hair under control - and away from your face. And where hairclips and hairclamps can be helpful in their own way, hairbands can also be the right tool for you. And you have to say that hairbands are brilliant when it comes to style the hair in a hurry - but without compromising on style and radiance.
Her hos CurlsForYou finder du de lidt anderledes hårbøjler Zazzy Bands, der er udformet, så de sidder i håret lidt ligesom et par solbriller gør, hvilket giver et smart, casual look, og så strammer de ikke bag ørerne. De er derfor behagelige at have på, samtidig med de er praktiske, og de findes i flere farver og mønstre, så der er noget for enhver smag.
So overall, there is a lot to choose from here on the site when it comes to hair accessories. So you have good opportunities to find the piece of hair decoration that will be just right for you in the way you need and want to style your beautiful hair.