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Curls – Blueberry Bliss Hair & Scalp Oil

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 265,23 SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • NOK: 278,81 kr.
  • Fremmer sund hårvækst
  • Stimulerer dine krøllers naturlige vækst
  • Reparerer spaltet og knækket hår
  • Blødgør og giver dine krøller glans
  • Indeholder bl.a. organisk arganolie, jojobafrøolie, sheasmør og blåbærfrøolie.
  • Size: 120 ml
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IdHAIR – Colour Bomb

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 250,41 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 263,24 kr.
  • Curly Girl-venlig hårfarve i 17 forskellige, flotte farver
  • Virker som en farvekur, der skal skylles ud igen – holder en hårvask eller to, måske flere
  • Fyldt med gode ingredienser, der også plejer håret
  • En skøn måde at give håret ekstra liv og glans – og at lege med farver på
  • Kan bruges som en farveopfriskning til alle hårtyper
  • OBS: Har du lyse striber i håret/afbleget, binder farvene sig til håret og kan ikke komme ud igen (de stærke farver).
  • Size: 200 ml
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Ellemental – Vege Keratin

69,00 DKK
  • SEK: 102,24 SEK
  • EUR: €9,25
  • NOK: 107,48 kr.
  • Reparerer og styrker håret indefra
  • Giver naturligt glans
  • Efterlader et beskyttende skjold mod hverdagens belastninger
  • Absorberes hurtigt
  • Antiinflammatorisk så den beroliger hovedbunden
  • Suitable for all hair types
  • Opblandes med andre produkter
  • Størrelse: 25 ml.
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Curlsmith – Bonding Oil

269,00 DKK
  • SEK: 398,58 SEK
  • EUR: €36,06
  • NOK: 419,00 kr.
  • Proteinrig og fugtgivende olie, der styrker og beskytter håret mod skader
  • Giver håret et blødt og skinnende look
  • Fyldt med naturlige ingredienser, der gør håret mere elastisk
  • Mindsker hårskader og reparerer spaltede spidser
  • Kan bruges til alle krøller og hårtyper, men egner sig også til glat hår.
  • Størrelse: 60 ml.
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Curls – Poppin Pineapple Scalp Treatment

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 250,41 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 263,24 kr.
  • En skånsom hovedbundsbehandling
  • Hjælper mod kløe og fjerner skæl
  • Fyldt med vitaminer
  • Er særligt egnet til sensitiv hovedbund
  • Fremmer hårvækst og hårbundens naturlige olieproduktion.
  • Size: 120 ml
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Curls – Blueberry & Mint Tea Scalp Treatment

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 265,23 SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • NOK: 278,81 kr.
  • Effektiv hovedbundsbehandling mod skæl
  • Lindrer irritation og kløe
  • Tilfører fugt til hovedbund og hår
  • Medvirker til en sund hovedbund og hår
  • Indeholder certificeret solsikkekerneolie, organisk kokosolie, sheasmør og velduftende blåbærfrøolie.
  • Protein free
  • Size: 120 ml
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CurlSmith – Super Slip Pre-Wash Primer

239,00 DKK
  • SEK: 354,13 SEK
  • EUR: €32,04
  • NOK: 372,27 kr.
  • Udgår fra Curlsmiths sortiment
  • Primer, der skaber balance i din hovedbund.
  • Anvendes inden hårvask og fungerer som forberedelse til din hårvask/rensning.
  • Produktet fordeles og masseres ind i din hovedbund.
  • Udvalgt med særlig omtanke for Curly Girl-metoden.
  • Indeholder afbalancerede præ-biotika-næringsstoffer.
  • Størrelse: 350 ml
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Bouclème – Protein Booster

249,00 DKK
  • SEK: 368,95 SEK
  • EUR: €33,38
  • NOK: 387,85 kr.
  • Genopbyggende protein-dråber til håret
  • Kommes i shampoo, balsam eller krøllecreme
  • Hjælper med at give håret ekstra protein, når der er behov for det
  • Virker styrkende, reparerende og beskyttende
  • Gør håret glansfuldt og hjælper mod frizz
  • Størrelse: 30 ml
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Flora & Curl – Coconut Mint Scalp Refresh Pre-Shampoo Oil

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 250,41 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 263,24 kr.
  • Fjerner skæl og snavs for en sundere hovedbund
  • Sørger for, at hovedbunden ikke tørrer ud
  • Er supergod i kombination med Flora & Curl – Coconut Mint Scalp Refresh Shampoo
  • Beskytter hovedbunden under hårvasken
  • Indeholder olier fra jojoba, kamille og rosmarin.
  • Nye design, nu i aluminiums flasker - der nemt får buler og mærker ved transport.
  • Størrelse: 50 ml
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EcoSlay – Ginger and Moringa Tea

229,00 DKK
  • SEK: 339,31 SEK
  • EUR: €30,70
  • NOK: 356,69 kr.
  • Behandling, der genopretter pH-værdien i hovedbunden
  • Bruges mellem hårvask og balsam
  • Fugter, styrker og plejer
  • Lavet på naturlige ingredienser
  • Modvirker skæl og stimulerer hårvækst
  • Opbevares på køl. Holdbarhed 9 måneder
  • Size: 236ml
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Innersense – Hair Renew Scalp Oil

259,00 DKK
  • SEK: 383,77 SEK
  • EUR: €34,72
  • NOK: 403,42 kr.
  • Plejende olie til hovedbunden
  • Giver hovedbunden ekstra næring og fugt
  • Skaber optimale forudsætninger for sund hårvækst
  • Reparerer huden og beroliger en kløende hovedbund
  • God til en tør og generet hovedbund
  • Størrelse: 29,5 ml
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EcoSlay – Moonshine

199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 294,86 SEK
  • EUR: €26,68
  • NOK: 309,97 kr.
  • Indeholder blandt andet Jojoba-, avocado- og arganolie
  • Brug den til at forsegle fugt i huden og håret
  • Dufter af kanel, citrongræs og ingefær
  • Contains, among other things, pumpkin seed oil, shea butter, coconut oil and glycerin
  • Plejeolie til hår og krop
  • Size: 236 ml
  • Opbevaring på køl forlænger holdbarheden. Holdbarhed 12 måneder.
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What does a hair oil do for my curls?

A hair oil's most important job is to care for, moisturize and soften your hair strands. In addition, hair oils can be used both for styling and as an oil cure for the hair. As the hair absorbs the oil, the hair is groomed and rebuilt from the inside. Therefore, it is also important that you choose a hair oil that suits your hair and its porosity. In addition, some hair oils are made to only get in your hair tips, while other oils may get on the scalp. Whole clean oils can even use on the skin.

The porosity of your hair has a bearing on your choice of hair oil

By the porosity of the hair is meant the ability of the hair to absorb moisture. High porosity means your hair is good at absorbing moisture. Unfortunately, this also means that your hair is good at releasing moisture. The better you know the porosity of your hair, the better you can also determine which hair oil is best for you and how to use your oil.

Would you like to know how to test the porosity of your hair, you can read much more in our blog post about this.

Here you can read the most important thing you should pay attention to, depending on whether you have low or high porosity hair.

Low porosity: Choose a light hair oil

If you have low porosity, it means that your hairs are closed and thus difficult to draw in moisture, but on the other hand it is also difficult to close the moisture out once inside. Therefore, choose a light hair oil as very heavy or greasy oils cannot penetrate the hair strand. One way to help the hair is to add heat to the hair so that the hairs open before applying it to the nourishing oil. For example, you can wrap a lukewarm towel on your hair after you put oil in your hair.

We recommend oils based on coconut, babasu or palm oils for you with low porosity hair as the small molecules in such an oil more easily penetrate the hair.

Medium porosity: You can use most oils

If you are one of the lucky ones with medium porosity hair, you do not have to spend a lot of time evaluating which hair oil you need. You can endure most things. Oils such as macadamia, jojoba, sesame, avocado, apricot and almond are often used in hair oils, among other things because of their softening and moisturizing properties.

High porosity

Hair with high porosity is usually damaged, dry and especially fragile. With such open hairs, your hair will easily absorb moisture, but also easily lose it again. Therefore, it may be a good idea to use your hair oil in the bath as a form of hair cure, and then rinse it out with cold water that closes the hairs again. Oils such as cedar oil, primula oil, grapefruit oil, corn oil or sunflower oil are good for this type of hair.

How to use a hair oil best?

The most used way to use oil for the hair is in towel-dried hair after the bath. That is, before the hair is dried or styled. Usually, a few drops will be enough, but the porosity of your hair is crucial to the amount of oil you need for your hair. You pour the amount you need into the palm of your hand and distribute it well between the palms. Then you can choose to either curl it in the hair or iron it along the tips of the hair. Again, it depends a lot on your desired styling. If you have small curls, a good curling technique will help increase the volume of your curls, while a stroke along the tips of soft curls, conversely, will make the hair more flat in its structure. Some hair oils are fine to get on the scalp, but be careful to do so unless it is specific to the product, as scalp hair oil can instead make the hair very greasy and unwanted heavy.

Hair oil can also be used in dry hair between washings, which is especially a good idea if you have very dry or frizzy hair. It gives your hair an extra boost of vitamin and moisture between your hair washes and can tame especially frizzy hair. However, here you need to be extra careful with the amounts of natural oil, as you again risk that the hair instead becomes heavy if you use more than the hair can absorb.

Use your hair oil as a hair cure and on the scalp

You can also use your hair oil as a hair cure if your hair needs periods of extra moisture. You can do this in several ways. Either you can get a good portion of oil into the hair after hair washing, let it work for 10-20 minutes, then wash it out. The other option is to get plenty of oil into the hair and let it sit overnight. The morning after, you wash your hair as you normally do.

An oil as Righteous Roots – RX Oil is an example of an all-around natural oil. It is created for use as daily oil, hair care oil and even to massage the scalp. We also sell very classic oils like ours Innersense Treatment Oil or John Masters Organic Oil with Argan or the version for extra dry hair. You will find hair oils for most types of curls and hair generally here on the site.

Find your new hair oil with us

At CurlsForYou, all our hair care products are approved for use in Curly Girl Method. This means, among other things, that they do not contain harmful and drying ingredients that your curls do not like. If you need more information about CurlsForYou, the Curly Girl Method or our products, you are always welcome to contact us on +45 30 34 44 33 or via our contact form.