Hvis vi skal starte med at svare på spørgsmålet, så må svaret være “Ja” eller “måske”, det kommer an på hvad du mener med grøn og bæredygtig tilgang, men lad os prøve at komme lidt nærmere ind på det.
If our webshop requires us to be CO2 neutral, the answer is no, we get products shipped from the USA, by air to Denmark. Shipping from the Netherlands / Germany to us by truck. Packed and shipped out to you customers in trucks. Many trees need to be planted and many bees are helped to offset the CO2 quota.
But if the requirement is that you as a webshop do what you can to minimize your environmental impact as much as you can. You help the environment and maybe even projects around the world where sustainability is the focus, so I would like to say yes, then we have a green and sustainable approach to running a webshop. You can read much more about the various initiatives we have already taken and you are very welcome to contact us with inputs with initiatives we can do further.
In the video here you can see some of the actions we have taken at CurlsForYou.dk to minimize our impact on the environment. If you have any comments or ideas for new initiatives to consider, please let us know in the comments.

Recycling is good use
It should be no secret that the above headline was taken directly from PawPatrol, but there is something to the matter. So we go with 😉
We try to recycle as many of the cardboard boxes and boxes we get from our suppliers as we can at all. It doesn't make sense to throw cardboard boxes at the recycling station when they can easily be used one more time.
Vi ved godt, at det måske ikke ser så pænt ud, som vores sædvanlige papkasser, men vi håber at I kan se igennem fingrene med det, når I ved at “Genbrug er god brug”
The Bee Project
Bees are incredibly important to the environment, they fertilize flowers and trees, which may eventually be used as ingredients in the conditioner or shampoo you use.
But the bees are threatened with their existence, mites, pesticides, one-sided diet and bad weather are killing bees. If it continues, it will end with apples, strawberries and coffee.
Therefore, we thought that the The Bee Project is obvious to support.

Environmentally friendly Packaging
We support environmentally friendly packaging which you can read more about by clicking on the logo.
We make it through several initiatives that you can also read more about below.
We always use the least possible box, we recycle boxes and boxes from our suppliers, we use bio-fill, we do not print packages and delivery notes etc.
Stop Paper Waste
If you cannot find the delivery note, invoice or other unnecessary prints. So it actually makes good sense, because we do not print banknotes, invoices or other notes that are unnecessary for us.
The invoice is sent via e-mail to the e-mail address you provided when ordering.
The delivery note is not necessary, we see it all on a computer screen when the order is packed and shipping labels are made.

Biological package filling
Since we want to have the least impact on the environment, it is natural for us to use biological fill in our packages.
However, there may be packages where there are recycled refills from suppliers that do not use biological fills. You can typically see the difference between the two types, the non-degradable is very straight and long, while the biological is a bit more chubby, not quite straight and then it melts in a glass of water.