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Bouclème – Colour Toning Drops

235,00 DKK
  • SEK: 347,19 SEK
  • EUR: €31,50
  • NOK: 363,12 kr.
  • Farvedråber, der hjælper dig med at få farvespillet tilbage i dit hår
  • Beriget med dybe indigonuancer
  • Kan anvendes af blondiner, sølv, balayage eller farvede brunetter
  • Anvendes sammen med shampoo, hårkur eller balsam
  • Mulighed for selv at styre den ønskede dybde og tone
  • Størrelse: 30 ml
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Bouclème – Super Volumising Foam

219,00 DKK
  • SEK: 323,55 SEK
  • EUR: €29,35
  • NOK: 338,40 kr.
  • Let styling-foam til bølger og krøller
  • God til at løfte krøllerne og give håret fylde og glans
  • Giver krøller mere definition og hold og reducerer frizz
  • Kan bruges i både vådt og tørt hår
  • Size: 200 ml
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Bouclème – Best of Bouclème Gift Set

339,00 DKK
  • SEK: 500,84 SEK
  • EUR: €45,44
  • NOK: 523,82 kr.
  • Flot gave-/rejsesæt med 4 skønne Boucleme-produkter i rejsestørrelser
  • Indeholder en hårkur/leave-in, en krøllecreme og 2 slags gels
  • Perfekt til at give håret pleje og style det flot
  • Ideelt sæt til at prøve produkter, tage med på rejse eller give som gave
  • Størrelse: 4 x 100 ml
- Curl Defining Gel 100ml - Super Hold Styler 100 ml - Intensiv fugtbehandling 100 ml - Curl Cream 100ml Dette sæt er altså perfekt hvis du ønsker at prøve de populære produkter eller hvis du skal ud og rejse.
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Bouclème – Protein Booster

249,00 DKK
  • SEK: 367,87 SEK
  • EUR: €33,37
  • NOK: 384,76 kr.
  • Genopbyggende protein-dråber til håret
  • Kommes i shampoo, balsam eller krøllecreme
  • Hjælper med at give håret ekstra protein, når der er behov for det
  • Virker styrkende, reparerende og beskyttende
  • Gør håret glansfuldt og hjælper mod frizz
  • Størrelse: 30 ml
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Boucléme – Seal + Shield Curl Cream

239,00 DKK
  • SEK: 353,10 SEK
  • EUR: €32,03
  • NOK: 369,30 kr.
  • Skøn letvægts-krøllecreme uden glycerin
  • Perfekt at bruge i den kolde tid eller ved høj luftfugtighed
  • Giver krøllerne definition og gør dem bløde og smidige
  • Er god til såvel fint bølget som til kraftigt krøllet hår
  • Size: 300 ml
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Boucléme – Seal + Shield Curl Defining Gel

239,00 DKK
  • SEK: 353,10 SEK
  • EUR: €32,03
  • NOK: 369,30 kr.
  • Glycerinfri styling-gel – god til bølger og krøller
  • Giver et godt, medium hold til håret/frisuren
  • Holder på krøllernes mønster og holder meget fugtig/tør luft ude
  • Hjælper med at minimere krus og give håret glans
  • Size: 300 ml
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Boucléme – Seal + Shield Curl Conditioner

229,00 DKK
  • SEK: 338,33 SEK
  • EUR: €30,69
  • NOK: 353,85 kr.
  • Glycerinfri, fugtgivende plejebalsam
  • Ideel hårpleje ved fugtigt eller koldt vejr
  • Gør håret blødt, modvirker frizz og filtrede totter og definerer krøllerne
  • Er 97 % plantebaseret og vegansk
  • Er god til bølget og krøllet hår
  • Size: 300 ml
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Boucleme – Flexible Hold Hair Spray

220,00 DKK
  • SEK: 325,03 SEK
  • EUR: €29,49
  • NOK: 339,94 kr.
  • Skøn og fleksibel, alkoholfri hårspray
  • Hjælper med at give krøllerne bounce og definition
  • Giver håret et medium til stærkt hold uden crunch
  • Indeholder bl.a. aloe vera, grapefrugtolie og rosmarinolie
  • Size: 200 ml
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Boucléme – Fragrance Free Curl Conditioner

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 264,46 SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • NOK: 276,59 kr.
  • Mild og parfumefri plejebalsam
  • Giver håret masser af fugt og pleje
  • Modvirker filtret hår og gør krøllerne bløde, definerede og glansfulde
  • Indeholder bl.a. arganolie, kokosolie og aloe vera
  • Size: 300 ml
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Bouclème – Fragrance Free Curl Cleanser

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 249,68 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 261,14 kr.
  • Skøn, parfumefri co-wash
  • Perfekt til tørt hår og krøller
  • Er meget fugtgivende
  • Indeholder bl.a. arganolie, kokosolie og aloe vera
  • Size: 300 ml
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Bouclème – Dry Scalp Serum

219,00 DKK
  • SEK: 323,55 SEK
  • EUR: €29,35
  • NOK: 338,40 kr.
  • Plejende serum til tør og irriteret hovedbund
  • Indeholder blandt andet argan- og jojobaolie
  • Understøtter hovedbundens naturlige miljø
  • Beroligende for hovedbunden og effektiv mod skæl
  • Blandes i co-wash eller shampoo
  • Størrelse: 30 ml
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Boucléme – Fragrance Free Curl Creme

199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 294,00 SEK
  • EUR: €26,67
  • NOK: 307,50 kr.
  • Fugtgivende og nærende, parfumefri krøllecreme
  • Gør krøllerne fyldige, definerede og glansfulde
  • Modvirker frizz
  • Hjælper krøllerne med at sidde smukt hele dagen
  • Size: 300 ml
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Bouclème curls redefined

Bouclème was created by a British woman named Michele, who herself has a lovely set of curls on her head. Like many other women with curls, she was tired of the fact that virtually all curly hair products contain sulfates and silicone. It was weighing her hair and she could clearly see how her curls lacked the moisture and nourishment needed to give the curls natural strength and bounce. Her frustration kickstarted a career where she works to create products that give your natural curls all the moisture and nutrition they need, but at the same time the products are good on our planet.

Bouclème's slogan is 'curls redefine' and for good reason. The company was one of the first to combine effective curly hair care with highly sustainable products. They have thus managed to combine two things that we here at CurlsForYou are also quite fond of: delicious products for curly hair and great focus on sustainability. The two passions are expressed in all aspects of Bouclème's products. When you read about Bouclème's products and the many requirements for a product before it is launched, it may almost seem too good to be true.

At Bouclème they believe in:

  • the power that exists in nature. As far as possible, they use only natural ingredients in all their products.
  • They only cooperate with suppliers who give their farmers good wages and decent working conditions.
  • that we must look after the environment. Therefore, all their packaging can be recycled and at the same time all the ingredients in the products are biodegradable.
  • that no curls need chemicals. Their products include 100% free of both sulphates, silicones and parabens.
  • that the products should be tested on real curls - never on animals.

The many requirements ensure that you get a really high quality product that works at the same time. At Bouclème, they understand curls, and they understand the many daily challenges that people with curls can have when it comes to controlling the wild lures. Among other things. they know that curls are much more fragile and often drier than smooth hairs. Therefore, they have created products that provide extra moisture and care using ingredients that really penetrate the hair and moisturize it from the inside out. With their hair products for curls, they have made it their mission to ensure you healthier hair and thus also the most beautiful, natural curls.

Bouclème pays tribute to the curls and the environment

At Bouclème, they shave the curly hair, so women with everything from wavy hair and soft curls to women with big curls or small curls love their hair. Many products for curly hair contain harmful perfumes and parabens which are neither good for us nor the environment. Fortunately, the Bouclème products do not. Each product also contains what they call plant power rating. This means that through this rating you can see what percentage of the product consists of natural ingredients.

Bouclème also relies on recyclable packaging. Their packaging is made from 96% recyclable material derived from sugar cane residue. In addition, they partner with the non-profit organization Trees For The Future. This means that every time you buy a 300 ml product from Bouclème or a travel set, they plant a new tree in the world.

Do the best for your curls

You will not get nice curls in one day, unfortunately. But your journey towards curls, which stay moisturized throughout and beautiful all day long, starts with the right products. At Bouclème, therefore, they have created products such as their extra moisturizing Bouclème shampoo or their Bouclème Curl Conditioner, which kickstart the beauty of your curls. However, switching to a specialized brand is not enough. Below are additional tricks to get your dream curls:

  1. Be sure to use not only curl products, but also products for your specific type of curls.
  2. Whenever possible, use products based on natural ingredients as they contain rich ingredients for your curls.
  3. Use an extra moisturizing mask in your hair at least twice a month. All types of curls will thank you for that.
  4. Protect your hair from unnatural heat, UV rays and wear.
  5. Be aware that different seasons require different products.
  6. Remember to protect your scalp. It needs as much care as the rest of the skin on your body. Try for example. Bouclème Scalp Exfoliating Shampoo.

It doesn't have to be that hard to get the best out of your natural curls. It just requires that you remember to give them a little extra care and attention once in a while.

Try Bouclème in your own curls

If you are interested in trying out the Bouclème products, but if you have any doubts about which ones to use, it might be an idea to start with their smart Discovery Set. Here you get five different Bouclème products to suit your entire routine, from washing to styling, for example. Bouclème Curl Cream or Bouclème Curl Defining Gel. All five products come in bottles of 100 ml. are perfect for traveling.

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