Visar 25–36 av 64 resultat

Curlsmith – Core Strength Shampoo

239,00 DKK
  • SEK: 367,59SEK
  • EUR: €32,03
  • Blid og proteinrig shampoo
  • Farvesikker
  • Efterlader hovedbunden ren
  • Plantebaseret shampoo
  • Gør hårfibrene stærkere og mere modstandsdygtige
  • Size: 355 ml
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Curls – Poppin Pineapple Curl Wash

174,00 DKK
  • SEK: 267,62SEK
  • EUR: €23,32
  • Fugtgivende og forfriskende low-poo, velegnet til krøller
  • Renser blidt håret
  • Giver tykke, sunde og glansfulde krøller
  • Fremmer en sund hårvækst og forebygger hårtab
  • Size: 236 ml
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Chey – Shampoo Bar – Calendula

79,00 DKK
  • SEK: 121,51SEK
  • EUR: €10,59
  • renser hovedbunden
  • beroliger irriteret hovedbund
  • stimulerer hårvækst og fjerner skæl
  • indeholder cocoa butter
  • er velegnet til alle hårtyper.
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The Mane Choice – Ancient Egyptian Shampoo

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 275,31SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • En low-poo til spaltede spidser, svagt eller beskadiget hår
  • Renser forsigtigt håret
  • Hjælper med at genopbygge håret på ny
  • Kan bruges af alle hårtyper, men er særligt god til farvet og kemisk behandlet hår
  • Indeholder Omega 3, 6 og 9.
  • Size: 237 ml
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Chey – Shampoo Bar – Coconut

79,00 DKK
  • SEK: 121,51SEK
  • EUR: €10,59
  • er en solid shampoobar rig på kokosnød
  • øger blodcirkulationen og nærer håret
  • forbedrer hårteksturen
  • forhindrer kruset hår
  • bekæmper hovedbundsproblemer.
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Curly Secret – Shampoo Bar

135,00 DKK
  • SEK: 207,64SEK
  • EUR: €18,09
  • Skøn, mild og effektiv shampoo-bar
  • Er vegansk og indeholder grøn te, appelsinolie og andre naturlige ingredienser
  • Renser effektivt hår og hovedbund uden at være udtørrende
  • Virker fugtgivende og lindrende mod eventuel kløe i hovedbunden
  • Er uden protein og glycerin og er egnet til alle hårtyper
  • Indhold: 60 g
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Chey – Shampoo Bar – Matcha

79,00 DKK
  • SEK: 121,51SEK
  • EUR: €10,59
  • fremmer hårvækst
  • efterlader håret blødere, skinnende og tykkere
  • er velegnet til alle hårtyper
  • indeholder matcha, der er nærende
  • indeholder aloe vera, der renser i dybden.
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Curlsmith – Shine Shampoo Gentle Light Foaming

229,00 DKK
  • SEK: 352,21SEK
  • EUR: €30,69
  • Udgår fra Curlsmiths sortiment
  • Mild og parfumefri, sulfatfri shampoo
  • Suitable for all hair types
  • Renser håret effektivt, men skånsomt og uden at udtørre det
  • Er blid mod hovedbunden
  • Size: 355 ml
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Curly Star – Gentle Shampoo

149,00 DKK
  • SEK: 229,17SEK
  • EUR: €19,97
  • Mild og fugtgivende, sulfatfri shampoo til børn
  • Virker blødgørende og tørrer ikke håret ud
  • Indeholder blandt andet mango og ananas
  • Fås med og uden parfume
  • Proteinfri
  • Size: 250 ml
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Chey – Shampoo Bar – Aloe Vera

79,00 DKK
  • SEK: 121,51SEK
  • EUR: €10,59
  • Naturlig og vegansk shampoobar til alle hårtyper, også krøller
  • Indeholder blandt andet aloe vera, kakaosmør og sød mandelolie
  • Modvirker frizz og gør håret bouncy og glansfuldt
  • God til at afhjælpe en tør og irriteret hovedbund og forbedrer blodcirkulationen her
  • Størrelse: 60 g, svarende til 3 flasker shampoo eller 70-80 hårvaske
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Curls – Creamy Curl Cleanser

119,00 DKK
  • SEK: 183,03SEK
  • EUR: €15,95
  • En sulfatfri low-poo-shampoo
  • Rengør håret skånsomt
  • Indeholder fugt og protein
  • Fyldt med økologiske ingredienser
  • Særligt velegnet til farvebehandlet hår
  • Størrelse: 240 ml.
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Pretty Curly Girl – Shampoo Bar

125,00 DKK
  • SEK: 192,26SEK
  • EUR: €16,75
  • Plejende og skånsom low-poo som sæbebar
  • Indeholder shea-butter
  • Velegnet til alle hårtyper og til hele familien
  • Er vegansk, og indeholder ikke protein og glycerin
  • Størrelse: 60 g sæbebar – lavet til 80 hårvaske
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What is low-poo?

Et low-poo-produkt er et vaskeprodukt / shampoo til håret, som ikke indeholder skrappe sulfater, silikone eller skadende alkoholer. Faktisk bare alt det, som kan tynge eller udtørre dine smukke, naturlige krøller. En low-poo kan således ses som en speciel form for shampoo, der bruges til at rense håret. Rigtig mange af de shampooer, du finder på markedet i dag, indeholder flere forskellige ingredienser, som virker udtørrende og er decideret skadelige for dit hår. Særligt hvis du har krøller. Krøller har nemlig brug for ekstra meget fugt og pleje for ikke at blive frizzy og uregerligt.

What is the curly girl method?

Curly Girl-metoden er som sagt en metode, som er skabt til at pleje og style krøllet hår på en naturlig måde. Det gøres blandt andet ved at undgå produkter, som indeholder skrap sulfat, silikone og udtørrende alkoholer. De bliver også kaldt for The forbidden ingredients and should be avoided because they either dry out the hair unnecessarily or weigh it down so that the curls cannot get their natural curls and bounce, but instead become heavy to look at.

If you are one of those who would like to go all-in on the Curly Girl method, you may also want to consider a wash conditioner - the so-called co-wash (condition wash) method - is the way forward for you and your hair. Here you do not use shampoo or low-poo at all to cleanse the hair, but instead a wash conditioner, which is made to cleanse the hair in the most gentle way and at the same time add lots of moisture to the hair.

Why use low-poo?

Now you may be thinking: If co-wash is the way forward, why should I use a low-poo? There may be several reasons why a low poo is the best solution for you. First of all, be aware that co-wash doesn't just show amazing results from day one. Especially not if you've been used to washing your hair frequently with a drying shampoo. Your hair has to go through a transition phase before it gets used to the shampoo-free life. This phase can last anywhere from 1-6 months, and here many will find that the hair looks more greasy than usual. That's because the hair is recovering from its natural cycle, where harsh chemicals no longer strip it of its natural oils. So it is perfectly normal.

For some, however, it will be transcendent to start out with co-wash, partly because of this transitional period. This is especially true if you have used very harsh products in the past or have been used to washing your hair frequently. Instead, using a low-poo product can be an advantage. A low-poo product is still much milder for your hair and is a good alternative when you need to start your good washing routine. While replacing your drying shampoo with a low-poo, you can also just as quietly turn to washing your hair less than before. It is not necessary, or healthy, to wash your hair more than 1-2 times a week.

After using low-poo for a period of time, you will begin to see the positive effects on your hair and curls. The hair is less likely to become oily because the scalp is no longer overproduced, and your curls are more likely to look more resilient because they get the moisture they need. Once you're well into your low-poo routine, you can choose to stick with this one, or you can take the step further and try co-wash. It's all up to you - no matter what you choose, you've done something good for your hair by choosing Curly Girl-approved products.

Good advice from the Curly girl method that everyone can learn from

As I said, the Curly Girl method is all about looking after and caring for your hair so that the hair gets the best conditions and thus shows off its most beautiful, natural side. Curly Girl is developed for curly hair, but there is actually a lot to learn from the method for all types of hair. This applies whether you have loose snake curls, small plug curls or large, defined curls - even if you have perfectly straight hair. The Curly Girl method is about more than just the products you use; it's also about the way you treat your hair. The following advice should be followed by anyone who wants a naturally beautiful hairstyle:

  • Wash your hair in a gentler way. This applies to the content of your shampoo as well as your entire washing routine.
  • Turn down the heaters. Any kind of styling with heat can ruin the hairs. Only use hair straighteners if absolutely necessary and blow dry your hair, then do it with gentle heat and strength.
  • Be careful when brushing your hair. The hairbrush can easily slip on your lids and break your hairstyle, which is why you should take care to brush your hair too violently. Especially when wet. The best thing you can do is brush your hair through with your fingers.
  • Avoid products with perfume and chemicals, even when styling your hair. Styling is great, but be careful not to get any products in your hair that damage and dry your hair unnecessarily.
  • Love your hair and care for it carefully. No matter what hairstyle you were born with, take care of it and love it. You won't get another one.

Buy your low-poo products at CurlsForYou

Are you ready to start your good hair routine as well? Low-poo is the perfect place to start. Here you will find all our Curly Girl-approved low-poo products all in one place. Do yourself and your curls a favor and invest in a low-poo product today.

If you have any questions about our products, we always like to hear from you via our contact form.