Visar 13–24 av 27 resultat

Jessicurl – Awe Inspiraling Spray

199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 305,90SEK
  • EUR: €26,67
  • Fantastisk til genoplivning af trætte krøller
  • Fornyer og genopfrisker dit hår
  • Høj koncentration for effektiv effekt
  • Kan bruges til at forny produkter, du allerede har i håret
  • Praktisk spray
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curlsmith – Miracle Shield

245,00 DKK
  • SEK: 376,61SEK
  • EUR: €32,83
  • Beskyttende, proteinrig hårmist til alle hårtyper
  • Beskytter mod UV-stråler, varme, hav- og klorvand, forurening
  • Virker styrkende på håret og gør det mere smidigt
  • Især egnet til skrøbeligt, skadet hår og krøller
  • Kan både bruges i vådt og tørt hår
  • Size: 237 ml
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Flora & Curl – Citrus Superfruit Detangling Mist

149,00 DKK
  • SEK: 229,04SEK
  • EUR: €19,97
  • Skøn hårspray, der gør håret blødt og let at rede ud
  • Begrænser statisk elektricitet og krus og giver håret glans
  • Beskytter håret mod UV-stråler og andre skadelige elementer
  • Indeholder blandt andet argan- og appelsinolie
  • Kan bruges til alle krølletyper
  • Size: 250 ml
  • Nye design, nu i aluminiums flasker - der nemt får buler og mærker ved transport.
  • Tidligere kendt som African Citrus Bloom Superfruit Detangling Mist
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Curl Keeper – Refresh With Hold

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 259,79SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • Fugtgivende refresher, der også giver hold i frisuren
  • Indeholder aloe vera, kamille og morgenfrue
  • Perfekt til at genopfriske håret på ikke-vaskedage
  • Giver dine krøller nyt liv og frisk definition
  • Fedter ikke og neutraliserer lugt
  • Size: 240 ml
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Flora & Curl – Coconut Mint Scalp Refresh Mist

149,00 DKK
  • SEK: 229,04SEK
  • EUR: €19,97
  • En helt unik hovedbundsspray, der afhjælper irritation i hovedbunden
  • Fugter og renser hovedbunden
  • Giver dig en forfriskende følelse
  • Nem at have med, lige meget hvor du skal hen
  • Hurtig og let at bruge.
  • Size: 100 ml
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Boucleme – Flexible Hold Hair Spray

220,00 DKK
  • SEK: 338,18SEK
  • EUR: €29,48
  • Skøn og fleksibel, alkoholfri hårspray
  • Hjælper med at give krøllerne bounce og definition
  • Giver håret et medium til stærkt hold uden crunch
  • Indeholder bl.a. aloe vera, grapefrugtolie og rosmarinolie
  • Size: 200 ml
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Curl Keeper – Beach Mist – A Blast of Ocean Air

159,00 DKK
  • SEK: 244,42SEK
  • EUR: €21,31
  • Fugtgivende hårspray med saltvand
  • Giver liv og fylde til hår og krøller
  • Giver håret et blødt og ”beachy” hold
  • God til styling af krøller, men også til andre hårtyper samt i både langt og kort hår
  • Size: 240 ml
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Curl Keeper – Tweek Ultimate Hold Curl Cream

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 259,79SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • Hårspray i cremeform til det sidste touch
  • Giver håret fylde og holder krøllerne på plads
  • Gør håret blødt og giver det glans og udtryk
  • Holder styr på frizz og flyvske totter
  • Ideel til frisurer som for eksempel hestehale og half updo
  • Size: 240 ml
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Pretty Curly Girl – Damage Repair Spray

225,00 DKK
  • SEK: 345,87SEK
  • EUR: €30,15
  • Skøn og let hårspray med peptider
  • Virker reparerende og beskyttende på håret
  • Styrker håret indefra og ud på molekylært niveau
  • Fremmer en sund hårvækst
  • Size: 200 ml
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Curl Keeper – Slip, 30 Second Detangler

159,00 DKK
  • SEK: 244,42SEK
  • EUR: €21,31
  • Skøn silikonefri leave-in-balsam
  • Hjælper med at kludre filtret hår og knuder ud
  • Gør håret blødt og lækkert
  • Et vandbaseret produkt, der ikke skaber build-up
  • Size: 240 ml
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Uncle Funky´s Daughter – Defunk Hair Refresher Tonic

189,00 DKK
  • SEK: 290,53SEK
  • EUR: €25,33
  • Skånsomt rensemiddel mod fedtet hår
  • Indeholder nærende planteekstrakter
  • Neutraliserer lugt
  • Beroliger kløende hovedbund
  • En god opfriskning til alle hårtyper
  • Størrelse: 236 ml.
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IdHAIR – Elements Xclusive Blow Beach Spray

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 275,16SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • Skønt styling-produkt fra dansk brand
  • Giver håret strand-look med fylde, struktur og hold
  • Kan bruges til alle hårtyper og -længder
  • Can be used in both wet and dry hair
  • Giver håret UV-beskyttelse
  • Størrelse: 125 ml
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Heat protection spray

For many of us, using heating tools in our hair is part of our daily hair routine. Unfortunately, you can risk damaging your hair very much by using this kind of heat. Fortunately, there is a solution! A heat protection spray is heat protection for the hair. It may be a good idea to use one if, for example, you like to blow dry your hair at high temperatures. Likewise, you should use a heat protection spray (or a heat protection spray) if you plan to use a straightener or a curling iron in your hair.

When you expose your hair and curls to that kind of high heat, it can do great damage to your hair if you are not careful and use heat protection for the hair. The heat damage can be seen by the hair becoming frizzy, dry and split. Few people want that. A heat protection in the hair helps to reduce damage to the hair strands, even if they are exposed to harsh heat. In addition, many of these types of heat protection products also provide good moisture to the hair. Therefore, a heat protection spray before drying or styling the hair can help restore the hair's moisture and at the same time reduce the risk of moisture loss during styling.

A heat protection spray is one of the first steps in your hair care routine. When you get out of the bath, spray the heat protection all over your hair in an even layer. However, remember extra focus on the tips. Once you have done this, the hair is ready to be blow-dried or otherwise styled with heating tools without taking too much damage. But keep in mind that even if you have used a heat-protective hair product, it is best to stick to styling your hair at low heat to take the best care of your hair.

Salt water spray hair

Do you want soft and "beachy" beach curls? Yes, then a saltwater spray for the hair is probably the solution for you. Salt water for the hair is a kind of hairspray, which gives your hair extra structure. A salt water spray is therefore particularly suitable for you who have very soft curls or snake curls, as it both improves the curls and can also give even more curls than you otherwise have from nature. 

Saltwater spray is a hair product that is based on saline. Many people use it to get more volume and more defined curls. It also gives a degree of hold to the hair. A saline spray can be used in several different ways. If you want to achieve a nice fall in your very soft curls, you should use it in dry or slightly damp hair and primarily in the lengths of the hair. Once you have sprayed your saline spray into your hair, squeeze it thoroughly into your hair to get the desired texture. If you want more defined curls, you can also try to gather the hair in a loose braid after the hair has been applied salt water spray.

If you already have a lot of curls, you can also benefit from a saline spray. Then spray it lengthwise, then gently ride it through with a wide-toothed comb to highlight the natural texture of the curls even more. If you are looking for more volume, you can use your saline spray in your hair as a volume spray. If you are looking for volume with your salt water spray, it should instead be sprayed in the hair roots at the scalp, as it helps to lift the hair at the roots and thus give an impression of more fullness. This way, your saline spray can actually also be used as a volumizing spray.


Some days it is just extra important that the hair sits as it should - and preferably all day. Here a hairspray comes into the picture. A hairspray is usually one of the last products in your hair styling routine. It is sprayed directly on the hair, after which it hardens and ensures that the hair stays where it needs to be. You can get hairspray with different degrees of hold, from the light one to the one that makes sure that the hair stays in place all day. One of the great advantages of hairspray is also that it does not grease the hair. On the other hand, hair sprays with strong hold can make the hair look a little stiff. Therefore, you can advantageously choose hairspray based on your desired look.

If you want to ensure that your curls stay in shape all day, a hairspray may be the solution for you. If they just need a little extra help to stay in shape, a hairspray with light hold is usually the best solution as it still allows a little movement in the hair. If, on the other hand, you have set your hair up, a hairspray with a strong hold will ensure that the setup does not fall down during the day or evening. Once you have applied your usual products and the hair sits as it should, simply spray your hairspray evenly into the hair. Preferably with a good distance, so you do not make "stains" in the hair with the varnish. The goal, on the other hand, is to lay a thin and even layer over the hair.

Refreshing curling spray

We all know it, those nights where we just slept extra heavy and well. It's great for our well-being, but can be just as wonderful for our curls, which can get messy after a good night's sleep. Fortunately, there are Curl Revitalizer sprays - or curls for curl refresh, for example Cantu’s Comeback Curl Next Day Revitalizer. Such a spray moisturizes the hair and curls so that they can return to their curly condition and at the same time also curl less. It may be an idea to moisten your hair a bit before spraying with your refreshing curl spray. Also remember to get it well distributed throughout the hair, and feel free to finish by hugging the curls in shape.

Find the best hair spray for your curls at CurlsForYou

At CurlsForYou we love curls - all curls. Therefore, we only sell products that are good at and care for your curly locks. A hairspray for curls can both give them new life and ensure that they sit the way you want them all day long. Which hairspray best suits your curls depends on the structure of your curls.

Go hunting in our salt water spray, hairspray and refreshing curl sprays, and find the perfect match for your hair. If you have questions about our products, you are also always welcome to contact us via our contact form.