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Bouclème – Curl Cream

209,00 DKK
  • SEK: 303,89 SEK
  • EUR: €28,01
  • NOK: 319,69 kr.
  • Nærende og fugtgivende krøllecreme til stylingen
  • Gør krøllerne bløde, definerede og glansfulde
  • Modvirker kruset hår
  • Indeholder bl.a. sheasmør, kokosolie, grapefrugt og rosmarin
  • Size: 300 ml
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As I Am – Curling Jelly

109,00 DKK199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 158,49 SEK - 289,35 SEK
  • EUR: €14,61 - €26,67
  • NOK: 166,73 kr. - 304,40 kr.
  • Gel til små og tætte krøller
  • Giver et glansfuldt resultat, der holder i dagevis
  • Indeholder nærende fugt
  • Indeholder naturlige ingredienser
  • Minimerer krus og holder fugten inde i håret
  • Størrelse: 227/454 g
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Bounce Curl – Avocado & Rose Oil Clump & Define Cream

259,00 DKK
  • SEK: 376,60 SEK
  • EUR: €34,71
  • NOK: 396,17 kr.
  • Krøllecreme med plejende egenskaber
  • Giver hold og volumen
  • Reparerer og genopretter
  • Høj koncentreret effekt
  • Indeholder 10 eksotiske olier
  • Protein free
  • Size: 117 ml
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Eco Style – Styling Gel Argan Oil

49,00 DKK
  • SEK: 71,25 SEK
  • EUR: €6,57
  • NOK: 74,95 kr.
  • UV-beskyttende gel
  • Definerede krøller, der har en lang holdbarhed
  • Lækre ingredienser
  • Fremstillet grønt og bæredygtigt
  • Mindsker kruset hår
  • Indeholder protein og fugt.
  • Størrelse 473 ml.
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Bounce Curl – Alcohol-Free HairSpray

239,00 DKK
  • SEK: 347,51 SEK
  • EUR: €32,03
  • NOK: 365,58 kr.
  • Uden alkohol
  • Hårspray med mellem til stærkt hold
  • Egnet til alle årstider
  • Med sprayhoved, som effektivt fordeler hårsprayen
  • Giver godt hold
  • Size: 117 ml
  • Obs. Ny ingrediensliste, hvede protein er bla. fjernet, så nu er den uden protein.
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Innersense – I Create Curl Memory

87,20 DKK535,20 DKK
  • SEK: 126,79 SEK - 778,20 SEK
  • EUR: €11,69 - €71,73
  • NOK: 133,38 kr. - 818,66 kr.
  • Fugtgivende styling-gel
  • Indeholder bl.a. aloe vera og bambusekstrakt
  • Giver krøllerne et blødt og fleksibelt hold, der varer længe
  • Gør håret medgørligt og tilpas fugtet
  • Størrelse: 59 ml / 295 ml / 946 ml
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Pretty Curly Girl – Magical Flaxseed Gel

139,00 DKK209,00 DKK
  • SEK: 202,11 SEK - 303,89 SEK
  • EUR: €18,63 - €28,01
  • NOK: 212,62 kr. - 319,69 kr.
  • Naturlige ingredienser som hørfrø, E-vitamin og mandler
  • Sikrer mod kruset hår
  • Garanterer krøller, der holder hele dagen
  • Fokus på både styling og pleje af håret
  • Kan anvendes af alle hårtyper
  • Protein free
  • Størrelse 100/250 ml
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Eco Style – Styling Gel Olive Oil

49,00 DKK
  • SEK: 71,25 SEK
  • EUR: €6,57
  • NOK: 74,95 kr.
  • Stylingolie lavet af 100 % olivenolie
  • Hjælper med at regulere hovedbundens fugtbalance
  • Holder på fugten og mindsker krus
  • Holder håret glansfuldt og giver et stærkt hold
  • Contains both moisture and protein
  • Størrelse 473ml
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Flora & Curl – Sweet Hibiscus Curl Activating Lotion

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 245,73 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 258,51 kr.
  • En skånsom krøllecreme til brug i fugtigt hår
  • Designet til at aktivere krøllernes naturlige form
  • Giver øjeblikkeligt mere definerede krøller
  • Indeholder kokosolie og blomsterekstrakt
  • Booster håret med fugt og protein
  • Størrelse 300 ml.
  • Nye design, nu i aluminiums flasker - der nemt får buler og mærker ved transport.
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Bounce Curl – Moisture Balance Leave-In Conditioner

259,00 DKK
  • SEK: 376,60 SEK
  • EUR: €34,71
  • NOK: 396,17 kr.
  • Styling- og leave-in-creme, der tilfører glans og blødgør dine hårstrå.
  • Indeholder middelhavsolierne egyptisk neroliolie, jojobaolie, olivenolie, bukkehornsolie og arganolie.
  • Produktet kan med fordel anvendes efter hårvask eller som daglig base for din styling.
  • Efterlader dit hår med et skinnende, blødt og sundt resultat.
  • Velegnet til krøllet hår og Curly Girl-metoden.
  • Protein free
  • Size: 117 ml
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Flora & Curl – Sweet Hibiscus Curl Defining Gel

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 245,73 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 258,51 kr.
  • Krølledefinerende gel til hårstyling
  • Tilfører fylde og glans til hver enkelt hårstrå
  • Indeholder panthenol og risprotein
  • Efterlader krøller sundere og stærkere
  • Giver øjeblikkeligt blødhed og reducerer krus
  • Størrelse 300 ml.
  • Nye design, nu i aluminiums flasker - der nemt får buler og mærker ved transport.
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Flora & Curl – Sweet Hibiscus Curl Volumizing Foam

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 260,27 SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • NOK: 273,80 kr.
  • Giver dit hår masser af volumen
  • Passer til alle hårtyper og krølletyper
  • Er let og tynger derfor ikke dine krøller
  • Kan benyttes som en refresher/re-styler på andendagen
  • Moussen er vegansk, ikke testet på dyr og indeholder ingen skrappe kemikalier.
  • Size: 300 ml
  • Nye design, nu i aluminiums flasker - der nemt får buler og mærker ved transport.
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Why use styling products in curly hair?

Big curls, small curls, snake curls, curly curls and afro curls. Yes, it's just a small sample of the many kinds of curls that both men and women around the world have. No matter what kind of curls you have or want, they have in common that they can be a bit unstable at times. Fortunately, this is possible, and by using the correct hair styling products you can get just the curls you dream of.

Hairstyling products are for you who want to control your curls and give them texture. But it is also for you who want to make a hairstyle in your curls. With the right hair styling you can make medium hairstyles, short hair styles, long hair styles and lots of curls without heat.

Style your curls according to the Curly Girl method

You have probably already heard about the Curly Girl method, maybe you are even quite familiar with it and use the method for your hair. If not, we recommend that you take a quick look at our blog post about exactly this.

In short, the Curly Girl method is based on your natural curls achieving their optimal look in a natural way. Therefore, it is important that you do not wash and style your hair with products that contain a whole lot of unnecessary ingredients such as sulfate and silicone. At CurlsForYou we sell a wide range of products that have just been approved for the Curly Girl method.

When you wash your hair in shampoo, for example, or use hair styling products with silicone, it will coat your hair strands, preventing them from absorbing the necessary moisture and nourishment it needs. Although it looks healthy on the outside, it is not. The only thing that can wash out the silicone again is a sulphate-containing shampoo, which in turn dries the hair extremely. With Curly Girl approved hair styling products, you get out of this vicious circle and your hair can be styled in a much healthier and more natural way. There are none of our products containing wax, alcoholic alcohol or strong sulphates.

Hair styling products

Before styling, it is often a good idea to use a leave-in conditioner as it gives the hair a large amount of moisture between the washes. Once the hair is moisturized, you can start styling it with your choice of styling product. There are different products with different features and we all sell them. You can read briefly about each type of hair styling product below.

Curling cream

A curl cream has many great features. It typically provides both volume and hold on the hair while defining and assembling your curls. Some curls even moisturize the hair and repair it. A hair cream is especially good for you who have big and wild curls. It helps to "tame" the curls as well as gather and define them so that they sit just as you like it. Also, remember that if you have wild curls, it is extra important with plenty of moisture and care.

Non-alcoholic hair spray (hair lacquer)

Our Non-alcoholic hair spray from Bounce Curl is your alternative to the normal hair color. But this hairspray gives you a medium to strong hold that keeps your curls sitting properly all day long. This spray will typically be the last thing you use in your styling routine and may, for some, be an alternative to gels, creams and foams.

Hair gel

A hair gel is used to define the curls and give them shine. A good gel will also ensure that the curls last all day and sometimes even several days in a row. A hair gel is also good for frizzy hair, as it helps keep moisture inside the hair strands and thus minimize frizz.

Many people are afraid that a gel will easily weigh their hair. However, our gel does not contain the typical ingredients such as wax and therefore they do not weigh the hair. However, if you have very thin hair and fine curls, be careful not to use excessive amounts of gel.

Hair foam

With a hair foam you get plenty of volume for your hair and curls, and typically a foam will also be able to take the worst mug of hair. Hair foam is therefore suitable for those who have thin hair and fine curls and who want to get more volume. Namely, a foam lifts curls from the scalp and provides plenty of fullness. If you want extra hold, you can also get a little gel in the tips, as it will help define the curls further. If you have "normal" curly hair, ie neither very thin nor very large and curly hair, it will usually be a good idea to use foam in combination with a gel or cream.

Saltwater Spray

If you want more soft and "beachy" curls, then you can use a saltwater spray to obtain the extra structure. Especially hair that has very soft curls or snake curls will have a nice result using a saltwater spray. It improves the waves in your hair and can even create more curls than you otherwise have.

Find the perfect hair styling products here

At CurlsForYou we sell a wide range of hair products to highlight curls, no matter what curls you have or go and dream about. Our curly hair products are all well suited for the Curly Girl method, so you can shop safely here on the site.

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