Serum for curly hair with the Curly Girl method

Anyone with curly hair will have probably experienced that on some days your curls can feel a little sadder than others. There can of course be several reasons for this. It may be that your curls need a refresh in the form of a good hair treatment. It may also be that your curls need a little extra care in the form of a serum for curly hair. Here at CurlsForYou, as always, we only sell products that are approved for the Curly Girl method, and they are therefore the best products for your curls.

There are several different types of serum for curly hair, which is why they naturally also help your curls in different ways. Common to all serums on this page is that they are best suited for curly hair and are approved for the Curly Girl method.

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Pretty Curly Girl – Bye Bye Frizz Serum

139,00 DKK
  • SEK: 206,25 SEK
  • EUR: €18,63
  • NOK: 216,08 kr.
  • Plejende serum til krøllet hår
  • Minimerer frizz og krus og tæmmer dine krøller
  • Tilfører glans
  • Vandbaseret og fri for proteiner og parfume
  • Velegnet til Curly Girl-metoden
  • Størrelse 150 ml.
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Olaplex – Bond Protector Nourishing Hair Serum No.9

259,00 DKK
  • SEK: 384,31 SEK
  • EUR: €34,72
  • NOK: 402,62 kr.
  • Plejende og beskyttende letvægtsserum til alle hårtyper
  • Virker beskyttende mod luftforurening og varme
  • Trænger dybt ind i hårstråene og virker reparerende
  • Hjælper mod kruset, statisk og filtret hår og efterlader det blødt og glansfuldt
  • Størrelse: 90 ml
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CurlSmith – Scalp Stimulating Booster

239,00 DKK
  • SEK: 354,63 SEK
  • EUR: €32,04
  • NOK: 371,53 kr.
  • Udgår fra Curlsmiths sortiment
  • Effektiv leave-in-serum, der plejer dine hårsække og din hovedbund
  • Velegnet til daglig brug og pleje
  • Produktet er velegnet til Curly Girl-metoden
  • Har klinisk dokumenteret effekt
  • Kan anvendes i alle typer hovedbunde
  • Size: 120 ml
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Curlsmith – Intense Treatment Serum

289,00 DKK
  • SEK: 428,82 SEK
  • EUR: €38,74
  • NOK: 449,26 kr.
  • Unik serum perfekt til beskadiget, slidt og trist hår
  • Kan både anvendes som leave-in-serum og som præbehandling inden hårvask
  • Genopretter dit hårs styrke, glans og blødhed
  • Passer til flere forskellige hårtyper
  • Produktet er velegnet til Curly Girl-metoden
  • Størrelse: 115 g
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Curly Secret – Protein Shot Serum

199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 295,28 SEK
  • EUR: €26,67
  • NOK: 309,35 kr.
  • Smart og enkel proteinspray til at reparere og beskytte håret
  • Genopbygger og styrker skadet hår efter f.eks. farvning
  • Kan bruges før styling og giver hold til håret
  • Letvægts-spray, der kan bruges til alle hårtyper – uden at tynge håret
  • Størrelse: 50 ml.
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Bouclème – Dry Scalp Serum

219,00 DKK
  • SEK: 324,96 SEK
  • EUR: €29,35
  • NOK: 340,44 kr.
  • Plejende serum til tør og irriteret hovedbund
  • Indeholder blandt andet argan- og jojobaolie
  • Understøtter hovedbundens naturlige miljø
  • Beroligende for hovedbunden og effektiv mod skæl
  • Blandes i co-wash eller shampoo
  • Størrelse: 30 ml
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Innersense – Harmonic Hair Renew Set

499,00 DKK
  • SEK: 740,42 SEK
  • EUR: €66,89
  • NOK: 775,71 kr.
  • Lækkert sæt til pleje af generet og kløende hovedbund og hjælp mod skæl 
  • Indeholder Pre Wash Treatment (59,1 ml), en serum (29,5ml) og en massage-kam i kvarts 
  • Et godt sæt til at rense, lindre og massere hovedbunden 
  • Fremmer balancen i hovedbunden og giver gode forudsætninger for hårets trivsel 
  • Let at anvende og arbejde ind i hovedbunden 
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Innersense – Hair Renew Daily Active Serum

319,00 DKK
  • SEK: 473,34 SEK
  • EUR: €42,76
  • NOK: 495,89 kr.
  • Skønt serum til hovedbundspleje
  • Fugter, plejer og beroliger en stresset hovedbund
  • Er god mod skæl og andre hovedbundsproblemer
  • Hjælper med at genoprette balancen i hovedbunden
  • Størrelse: 29 ml
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Innersense – Hair Renew Pre Wash Treatment

289,00 DKK
  • SEK: 428,82 SEK
  • EUR: €38,74
  • NOK: 449,26 kr.
  • Skøn primer, der er lavet til at forberede hovedbunden før hårvask
  • Renser hovedbunden, fjerner urenheder og skidt
  • Kan bruges i både vådt og tørt hår
  • Hjælper med at fremme balancen i hovedbunden og give gode forudsætninger for hårets trivsel
  • Genopretter fugtbalancen, reducerer skæl og kløende tørhed
  • Størrelse: 59 ml
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Inahsi – Pamper My Curls Rosemary Tea Tree Hair Serum

249,00 DKK
  • SEK: 369,47 SEK
  • EUR: €33,38
  • NOK: 387,08 kr.
  • Giver liv og energi til dine krøller igen
  • Hjælper med at reparere skadet hår
  • Lindrer irriteret og kløende hovedbund
  • Stimulerer hovedbunden til at gro sundt hår
  • Er med til at skabe sundt og rask hår.
  • Protein free
  • Størrelse: 113 g
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John Masters Organics – Scalp Purifying Serum with Spearmint & Meadowsweet

269,00 DKK
  • SEK: 399,15 SEK
  • EUR: €36,06
  • NOK: 418,17 kr.
  • Opfriskende og lindrende serum
  • God til at hjælpe en generet hovedbund
  • Detoxer, renser og plejer hovedbunden
  • Genopretter hårets naturlige sundhed
  • Indeholder bl.a. mjødurt, pebermynte, grøn mynte og aloe vera
  • Størrelse: 57 ml
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Serum for curly hair that needs pampering

It is important that you research which hair type the different serums are intended for before you buy the first best one. There are also different application methods for hair serum. A good curl serum helps rebuild your damaged hair and renews the shine of the curls. That's why it's ideal to use a good hair serum when your curls start to look a little sad. The unique properties of the healthy ingredients in a hair serum help care for your curls and make them more vibrant and durable.

Curly hair serums come in several varieties, which also affects how you choose to use them. Most hair serums should be used in exactly the same way as you would use a curling cream. It must therefore be squeezed into the hair in the right amount before you start styling your curls. You can easily replace yours curl creme with a really good serum for curly hair. But you can also use both parts, here you just have to remember to use the curling cream as the last one.

Hair serum can both be used to care for the hair after washing, where your curls may also need to be controlled a little in relation to frizz. But a curl serum for the hair can also be used to refresh the curls on days when you don't wash your curls. Like all other hair products for curls, it is important that you do not use too much serum. If you use too much, even when just refreshing the curls, you can end up with heavy curls that look greasier than before you used the serum.

Add shine to your curls with a good hair serum

Because all serums here at CurlsForYou are approved for The Curly Girl-method, you can be sure that they do not contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients for curls. On the other hand, they are filled with healthy ingredients and minerals, all of which are extra good for your curls. A serum for curly hair also adds a good amount of extra shine to the curls, which ensures that the curls do not lose their liveliness. This is especially an advantage if you have curls that tend to frizz a lot.

In addition to the overall extra care you pamper your curls with when you use a curl serum, it can also reduce the amount of frizz, as I said. A problem that many with curly hair can recognise, and which many often find annoying when the curls have to be styled properly.

Hair serum is for both curls and scalp

Many people often forget that curls start at the scalp. And if your scalp never gets a little extra care, your curls will suffer too. Therefore, you can also find hair serum specifically for the scalp on this page. This type of serum helps to strengthen, cleanse and condition the scalp, which is a step in the right direction to restore the natural health of your curls.

If you choose the right curl serum for your scalp, you will quickly find that your scalp becomes less irritated. Your curls will receive extra nourishment from root to tip, and you can treat yourself to a soothing scalp massage – just like your hairdresser manages to lull you to sleep with.

Hair serum for the scalp does not necessarily need to be used as often, in the same way that you can use serum for your curls almost every day. But if you want the best conditions for a healthy and balanced scalp, it is clear that we recommend that you use a serum for the scalp regularly.

It will always be a bonus for your curls that you use a sensible curl serum. It provides a little extra care in everyday life, when you may not have the time to complete all the steps in the Curly Girl method. But that doesn't mean your curls have to be cheated, and with a serum for curly hair, they won't be either.