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Cantu – TXTR Hydrating Conditioner

99,00 DKK
  • SEK: 145,61 SEK
  • EUR: €13,27
  • NOK: 154,91 kr.
  • Blødgørende og fugtgivende balsam
  • Kan anvendes som både plejebalsam og leave-in conditioner
  • Indeholder sheasmør, spearmint oil og rapsolie
  • Drøj i brug og derfor et langtidsholdbart køb
  • Oplagt, hvis du praktiserer Curly Girl-metoden
  • Størrelse: 473 ml.
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Bounce Curl – Super Smooth Cream Conditioner

249,00 DKK
  • SEK: 366,22 SEK
  • EUR: €33,39
  • NOK: 389,62 kr.
  • Proteinfri plejebalsam, der fugter dit hår
  • Hjælper til at forhindre, at dit hår knækker
  • Indeholder 23 urter og olier, der tilsammen plejer og fugter dit hår
  • Produktet kan anvendes i farvet og ufarvet hår
  • Særligt udvalgt med omtanke for Curly Girl-metoden
  • Size: 236 ml
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Flora & Curl – Rose Water Cream Conditioner

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 248,56 SEK
  • EUR: €22,66
  • NOK: 264,44 kr.
  • En skånsom balsam med nærende planteolier
  • Trænger grundigt ind i håret og giver fugt indefra
  • Indeholder organisk rosenvand og aloe vera-pulver
  • Mange gavnlige næringsstoffer til hår, der er beskadiget eller tørt
  • Kombinerer antioxidanter med andre essentielle olier
  • Størrelse 300 ml.
  • Nye design, nu i aluminiums flasker - der nemt får buler og mærker ved transport.
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Pretty Curly Girl – Extra Loving Leave-in conditioner

119,00 DKK189,00 DKK
  • SEK: 175,02 SEK - 277,97 SEK
  • EUR: €15,96 - €25,34
  • NOK: 186,20 kr. - 295,74 kr.
  • Plejende leave-in conditioner til krøllet hår
  • Indeholder plejende og nærende sheasmør, hørfrøolie og mandelolie
  • Can be used in both wet and dry hair
  • Skal ikke skylles ud efter brug
  • Velegnet til dig, der praktiserer Curly Girl-metoden
  • Contains moisture.
  • Størrelse 100/250 ml.
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Jessicurl – Too Shea! Extra Moisturizing Conditioner

199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 292,68 SEK
  • EUR: €26,68
  • NOK: 311,38 kr.
  • Balsam til daglig brug.
  • Plejende og fugtgivende effekt.
  • Efterlader krøllerne silkebløde.
  • Tynger ikke håret.
  • Indeholder shea, jojobaolie, avocadoolie og flere skønne ingredienser.
  • Størrelse: 237 ml.
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As I Am – Dry & Itchy Leave-In Conditioner

129,00 DKK
  • SEK: 189,73 SEK
  • EUR: €17,30
  • NOK: 201,85 kr.
  • Uden sulfat og silikone
  • Kan bruges i vådt og tørt hår
  • God til styling
  • Efterlader håret glansfuldt og fugtet
  • Bekæmper kløende hovedbund og skæl
  • Indeholder: Fugt
  • Størrelse: 237 ml.
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Curls – Blueberry Bliss Reparative Leave In Conditioner

189,00 DKK
  • SEK: 277,97 SEK
  • EUR: €25,34
  • NOK: 295,74 kr.
  • Tilfører ekstra fugt
  • Perfekt til filtret og kruset hår
  • Blødgør og genopbygger dine krøller
  • Indeholder bl.a. certificeret organisk kokosolie og aminosyrer
  • Nem at bruge, hvis dit hår trænger til ekstra kærlighed.
  • Contains protein
  • Size: 236 ml
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Pretty Curly Girl – Bye Bye Tangles and Knots Conditioner

109,00 DKK159,00 DKK
  • SEK: 160,31 SEK - 233,85 SEK
  • EUR: €14,61 - €21,32
  • NOK: 170,56 kr. - 248,79 kr.
  • Plejende balsam til krøllet hår
  • Hjælper med løsne op for sammenfiltret og uglet hår
  • Gendanner og styrker dit hår med nærende ingredienser
  • Indeholder matcha, sheasmør, avokadoolie og E-vitamin
  • Velegnet til Curly Girl-metoden
  • Størrelse:  100/250 ml.
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Jessicurl – Aloeba Daily Conditioner

199,00 DKK
  • SEK: 292,68 SEK
  • EUR: €26,68
  • NOK: 311,38 kr.
  • Plejende balsam, som fugter dit hår
  • Kan bruges som leave-in-balsam
  • Mindsker tendens til kruset hår
  • Findes Uden tilsat parfume (No Fragrance varianten) og i Island Fantasy
  • Indeholder blandt andet aloe vera, lemongrass, avocado og kokosnød
  • Size: 237 ml
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Bouclème – Discovery Set

449,00 DKK
  • SEK: 660,37 SEK
  • EUR: €60,20
  • NOK: 702,57 kr.
  • En samling af seks populære produkter fra Bouclème
  • Naturlige ingredienser og fri for parabener, sulfater og silikone
  • Blide produkter, der styrker krøllerne struktur
  • Giver håret fugt og intensiv pleje
  • Kommer i 100 ml rejseflasker
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Aunt Jackie’s – Rescued! Thirst Quenching Recovery Conditioner

129,00 DKK
  • SEK: 189,73 SEK
  • EUR: €17,30
  • NOK: 201,85 kr.
  • Genopbyggende conditioner til tørt hår
  • Er fugtgivende og reparerende
  • Kan bruges som plejebalsam og hårkur
  • Indeholder blandt andet avocadoolie og shea-smør
  • Størrelse: 426 g
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Curlsmith – Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash

229,00 DKK
  • SEK: 336,80 SEK
  • EUR: €30,70
  • NOK: 358,33 kr.
  • Incredibly gentle and effective co-wash.
  • Actively helps remove dirt and old product residues.
  • Gentle on the scalp.
  • Leaves curls manageable, soft and shiny.
  • Contains ingredients that allow you to use your co-wash every day.
  • Size: 350 ml.
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What is conditioner?

A balm (or conditioner in English) is a care used to close the hair strands and encapsulate the hair with moisture and protection. It is typically used as the last part of the hair wash to give the hair moisture and care and thus give it a more glossy look. A conditioner typically needs to be massaged into the lengths of the hair and should sit for a few minutes before washing it out. Therefore, a proper conditioner for your hair type will give the hair the right amount of moisture, but never heavier or oily hair.

Why use a conditioner?

A conditioner gives the hair a lot of moisture and nourishment, and especially dry hair and filtered hair have really good conditioner. However, it is important that you choose a conditioner that suits your hair type. Otherwise, you may just be using the conditioner to give you oily or heavy hair, and no one is dreaming about it. The Curly Girl method recommends that you use both a wash conditioner and a (care) conditioner when washing your curls, which must also be free of both silicone and sulfates. At Curls for You we agree.

How to use your conditioner according to the Curly Girl method

At Curls for You we sell a lot of products that are suitable for the Curly Girl method. Don't you know it? Then it's a good idea to read ours blog post about the Curly Girl method.

In short, the Curly Girl method is about looking after her curls and loving them exactly as they are. To emphasize the natural shine of the curls, add them a lot of moisture and recover the delicious bounce of the curls, the Curly Girl method uses the so-called co-wash. Co-wash is an abbreviation for conditioner only wash, and with this method you therefore wash your hair with a silicone-free conditioner, among other things, to preserve the hair's natural fats. Such a balm is also called one co-wash (conditioner wash), and visit our site vask & rens, you will find some of the best curls for curls on the market.

To give your hair extra care and add an extra amount of moisture to your curls, use a nourishing conditioner for the length of your hair after using your wash conditioner. In addition, if your hair tends to get very frizzy and dry between washings, you can use a leave-in conditioner. Both after your hair wash, but also for daily use.

Here on the site you will find a wide range of both nourishing conditioners and leave-in conditioners, which are guaranteed to give your curls the moisture they need to become their best selves.

(Care) Conditioner vs. leave-in conditioner

A nourishing conditioner is essential to provide the extra moisture that the curls need. A nourishing conditioner is used for lengths and helps to moisturize the hair and also makes it much easier to detangle (straighten the filtered hair) with your fingers or a broad combed brush.

A leave-in conditioner provides extra moisture between your hair washes. For example, if your curls tend to fall out during the days between hair washing, or you often wake up with very filtered and frizzy hair, then a leave-in conditioner can help rebuild the curls and soften the hair by adding the extra moisture . A leave-in conditioner can both be obtained as a cream, but is also very popular as a spray conditioner. With a conditioner spray, it is easy to spread your leave-in conditioner evenly in the hair and ensure that every strand of hair is moisturized.
You can read more about how to use the different conditioners under our product pages.

Find your new conditioner at CurlsForYou

At CurlsForYou you will find a wide variety of hair care products including several different brands of nourishing conditioner, hair wash conditioner and leave-in conditioner. Common to all of our conditioners is that they add a lot of moisture, nourishment and care to your hair, so you can get the curls you dream of. In addition, they are all approved by the Curly Girls method, so you are sure not to put unnecessary and drying ingredients in your hair.

Når du handler hos CurlsForYou, får du fri fragt ved køb over 599 kr. Det kan derfor godt betale sig at købe alle dine hårplejeprodukter såsom vaskebalsam, plejebalsam og andre lækre stylingprodukter på én gang hos os. Vi bestræber os desuden på en kort leveringstid, og du kan forvente at få dine produkter på 1-3 hverdage. Så er du et skridt tættere på drømmekrøllerne.

If you have any further questions about us, our products, delivery or anything else, you are always welcome to contact us on phone 30 34 44 33 or via our contact form.