
Curls is one of the more established hair products companies for curls. It was founded in 2002 in Elk Grove, California by Mahisha Dellinger. Since 2002, the Curls brand has gone strong, which is now widely sold throughout the United States. You will find it on the shelves of Walmart and Target, but also at hairdressers across North America. That's why we here at CurlsForYou are proud to present our customers with the beautiful products that is used by celebrities such as Halle Berry, Alicia Keys and Ashanti.

Curls is not just a brand that is well established in the US and used by celebrities. It is also a company where they work with strong principles such as quality and integrity, which is why you can always count on getting reliable products that work when you buy curls hair products. In addition, they have a strong focus on using organic ingredients, so you avoid getting harmful products and chemicals into your curly lures.

Home / Curls

Curls – Blueberry Bliss Reparative Leave In Conditioner

189,00 DKK
  • SEK: 273,56 SEK
  • EUR: €25,34
  • NOK: 286,52 kr.
  • Tilfører ekstra fugt
  • Perfekt til filtret og kruset hår
  • Blødgør og genopbygger dine krøller
  • Indeholder bl.a. certificeret organisk kokosolie og aminosyrer
  • Nem at bruge, hvis dit hår trænger til ekstra kærlighed.
  • Contains protein
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curls – Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask

209,00 DKK
  • SEK: 302,51 SEK
  • EUR: €28,02
  • NOK: 316,84 kr.
  • Blødgørende hårmaske
  • Forebygger, at håret knækker
  • Tilfører masser af fugt
  • Giver håret en dyb, reparerende behandling
  • Indeholder proteiner, der styrker dit hår.
  • Size: 240 ml
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Curls – Blueberry Bliss Curl Control Jelly

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 259,09 SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • NOK: 271,36 kr.
  • Modvirker kruset hår
  • Holder dine krøller på plads hele dagen
  • Reparerer og beskytter dine krøller
  • Er rig på protein, keratin og Vitamin C
  • Indeholder organisk blåbærekstrakt, jojoba og arganolie.
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curls – Poppin Pineapple Leave in Conditioner

174,00 DKK
  • SEK: 251,85 SEK
  • EUR: €23,32
  • NOK: 263,78 kr.
  • Leave-in conditioner
  • Kan bruges både som leave-in og til refresh
  • Tilfører håret fugt
  • Proteinfri
  • Dufter skønt af sol og sommer.
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curls – Coconut CURLada Conditioner

119,00 DKK
  • SEK: 172,24 SEK
  • EUR: €15,95
  • NOK: 180,40 kr.
  • En fugtgivende og luksuriøs plejebalsam
  • Tilfører lethed til krøllet hår
  • Blødgør, løsner og fugter håret
  • Indeholder fugt og protein
  • Fyldt med økologiske ingredienser
  • Size: 240 ml
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Curls – Blueberry Bliss Hair & Scalp Oil

179,00 DKK
  • SEK: 259,09 SEK
  • EUR: €23,99
  • NOK: 271,36 kr.
  • Fremmer sund hårvækst
  • Stimulerer dine krøllers naturlige vækst
  • Reparerer spaltet og knækket hår
  • Blødgør og giver dine krøller glans
  • Indeholder bl.a. organisk arganolie, jojobafrøolie, sheasmør og blåbærfrøolie.
  • Size: 120 ml
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Curls – Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Wash

209,00 DKK
  • SEK: 302,51 SEK
  • EUR: €28,02
  • NOK: 316,84 kr.
  • Er rig på organisk blåbærekstrakt
  • Blødgør de tørreste krøller
  • Indeholder soyaproteiner
  • Fremmer hårvækst
  • Ingen sulfater, silikone, parfume eller parabener.
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curls – Poppin Pineapple Curl Mask

174,00 DKK
  • SEK: 251,85 SEK
  • EUR: €23,32
  • NOK: 263,78 kr.
  • Fugtgivende hårkur med masser af vitaminer og en duft af ananas
  • Giver ekstra pleje til bølget og krøllet hår
  • Hjælper med at give tykke, sunde og glansfulde krøller
  • Virker fremmende for en sund hårvækst og forebyggende mod hårtab
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curls – Poppin Pineapple Curl Wash

174,00 DKK
  • SEK: 251,85 SEK
  • EUR: €23,32
  • NOK: 263,78 kr.
  • Fugtgivende og forfriskende low-poo, velegnet til krøller
  • Renser blidt håret
  • Giver tykke, sunde og glansfulde krøller
  • Fremmer en sund hårvækst og forebygger hårtab
  • Size: 236 ml
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Curls – Lavish CURLS Moisturizer

119,00 DKK
  • SEK: 172,24 SEK
  • EUR: €15,95
  • NOK: 180,40 kr.
  • Fugtgivende stylinggel
  • God til refresh mellem vaskedage
  • Genopliver tørre, krusede krøller
  • Kan bruges dagligt og er utrolig hurtig at påføre
  • Har en synlig effekt.
  • Indeholder: Fugt og protein.
  • Size: 240 ml
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Curls – Creme Brule Whipped CURL Cream

139,00 DKK
  • SEK: 201,19 SEK
  • EUR: €18,63
  • NOK: 210,72 kr.
  • Krøllecreme til alle slags krøller
  • God til styling på vaskedag og til refresh
  • Proteinfri – tilfører fugt
  • Minimerer frizz
  • Giver volumen og tynger ikke
  • Størrelse: 240 ml.
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Curls – Poppin Pineapple Scalp Treatment

169,00 DKK
  • SEK: 244,61 SEK
  • EUR: €22,65
  • NOK: 256,20 kr.
  • En skånsom hovedbundsbehandling
  • Hjælper mod kløe og fjerner skæl
  • Fyldt med vitaminer
  • Er særligt egnet til sensitiv hovedbund
  • Fremmer hårvækst og hårbundens naturlige olieproduktion.
  • Size: 120 ml
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Products for your unique curls

Curly hair needs extra care so as not to get both dry and dull. Mahisha Dellinger was well aware of this when she founded the popular brand for curly hair. With her experience with curly hair, she was also aware that not all curls need the same care. Soft curls or snake curls need different care than short hair with curls or tiny curls. Therefore, you should find out what type of curls you have before carefully choosing the right products for your hair type so you can get healthier hair. Fortunately, you can get help right here.

Roughly speaking, the hair can be divided into four main types of hair:

  • Straight hair
  • Wavy hair
  • Curly Hair
  • Very curly hair.

The type of hair products you will need depends on your hair type. The Curls products are not created for smooth hair, but for all three types of wavy and curly hair. The more curls you have, the more moisture your hair needs to get applied. Regardless of the type of curls you have, however, there are a number of routines that anyone with curls should make part of their daily hair care.

Find your curls routine with Curls

If you want moisturized hair where your curls really are allowed to appear from their best side, then you should generally incorporate four steps into your hair routine. In the case of:

  1. Cleansing and washing
  2. Moisture and wash
  3. Leave-in moisture
  4. Styling

Cleansing and washing

One of the most important steps in your hair routine is cleansing and washing. A special shampoo for curls is needed. When choosing your shampoo, it's important that you understand your hair type, but it's also important to understand how your shampoo should be used. The more curls, the more tendency for curly hair and dry hair. Therefore, women with curly hair should use a shampoo that does not contain drying chemicals and ingredients such as sulphates.

Moisture and wash

After you cleanse your curls with a good shampoo, your hair needs to be moisturized even if your shampoo is free of drying ingredients. A good Conditioner for curls further strengthens the hair and makes the hair less filtered. It is among other things helps to reduce the risk of hair breakage and the conditioner makes it easier to straighten the hair.  

Leave-in moisture

Once you've washed your hair with both shampoo and conditioner specifically created for your type of curls, the next step is to protect your hair from everyday hassles. You do this by adding moisture with a leave-in product. For example, it could be the Blueberry Bliss Repair Leave In Conditioner product. It can be used both after washing to give your curls all the moisture it needs, but also daily to refresh your curls or prepare them for styling.


Perfect curls require a final step, namely styling. Hairstyling ensures that your curls sit properly all day long. Here you can use both a hair cream, a hair mousse or maybe a hair gel to define your curls to a greater extent. It again depends on the unique composition of your curls, and the degree to which you want a product that makes your curls 'stiff'.

At Curls you will find products for all four steps and for all types of curly hair. If you have wavy and slightly curly hair, consider taking a closer look at the Blueberry Bliss series. Need your hair for a thorough repair and lots of repair ingredients, read more about the Poppin Pineapple Vitamin C series here on the site.

Buy 100% vegan products from Curls

The latest action from Curls is a 100% vegan series. We love it here at CurlsForYou, and so of course you can find it on our webshop. The series is called The Green Collection and is for the sustainable consumer. The products are still designed to repair your hair from its innermost core and out, giving you as strong curls as possible, but in the most environmentally friendly way. In addition to being vegan, all the products are also organic. The series consists of of ingredients such as cucumber, green tea, bamboo and avocado, and products are available for all types of curls, from the wavy to the tiny and wild curls. If you have sensitive hair or skin, this series is also ideal for you as the products are free of chemicals.

Highlight natural curls with the best Curls products

At CurlsForYou we only sell products that do something good for your curls. The Curls products are some of the products that we are proud dealers. If you want to know more about these products or have any other questions for us, you are always welcome to contact us.

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